Monday, May 27, 2024

Meanwhile, back at the trial...


Meanwhile, back in lower Manhattan, Judge Juan Merchan has apparently instructed the jury in the Felonious Lying Check Stubs Trial that they can effectively make up any excuse they want for finding Trump guilty.  It's now a virtual certainty that Trump will be a 'convicted felon' by the end of the week.

What then?  Immediately, Merchan will order Trump jailed, likely at Rikers Island.  That same evening, Biden will be awakened and hopped up on enough drugs to keep him cogent, and he will announce that, because a jailed ex-President is such a disgrace to the nation, Trump's Secret Service protection is revoked.  Who ever heard of a jailed felon having resident bodyguards? The announcement may already be 'in the can' and just waiting for the right moment to be played.

Overnight, some lifer at Rikers will slip a sharp piece of cutlery into Trump's kidneys, and the Democrats' distress over their lousy poll numbers will magically evaporate.  Before a higher court can overturn the guilty verdict (on any of the several dozen reversible errors Merchan has gleefully made), the issue will have become moot.

MSNBC and CNN anchors will put on their surprised faces.  Who could possibly have seen that coming?

Problem solved.