Well, Trump has been President for over a year, now, and Robert Mueller has been investigating alleged collusion with various Russians for longer than that, and so far all he has is a handful of 1001 indictments (making a materially false statement to a federal investigator, the charge that sent Martha Stewart up the river). To make matters worse, one of the indictees has decided to slug it out in court, and they are demanding 'discovery', the process where the accused gets to review all the evidence the prosecutor(s) have indicating wrongdoing, and they are demanding a speedy trial as guaranteed to them by the Constitution. Mueller and his team are resisting, claiming that it just might be possible that this indictee may not have been served properly. They reallyreally don't want anyone peeking under their skirts. The judge, by the way, laughed Mueller out of court on the entirely reasonable grounds that if they weren't ready to go to trial, they shouldn't have issued an indictment. Just this alone might put an end to Mueller's fishing trip, but if not...
Congress is at war with the FBI, it seems. They issue subpoenas for files that will tell them whether Andrew McCabe or James Comey (or both) committed perjury, and the FBI stonewalls on grounds of 'national security'. One might think that President Trump might want to let Congress do some digging inside an organization that, very probably, is conspiring against him and his administration. I think I would. And here's how President Clarke would get that to happen:
I would have a U.S. Marshal called to the Oval Office in stand-by mode. I would summon Rod Rosenstein to the OO for a quick conference where I would ask him how long it would take to comply with those Congressional subpoenas, and then order him to do so. If Rosenstein refused, I would have the Marshal arrest him on the spot for obstruction of justice, seize his phone, confiscate his passport, and hustle him off to a secure lock-up, then repeat the exercise going down the chain of command. If Rosenstein accepted the order, I would place him on 'unpaid status' until compliance was achieved as a way of ensuring compliance happens with all deliberate speed.
I would also have Robert Mueller's passport picked up, along with John Brennan's, James Comey's, and Andrew McCabe's. Just as a precaution.
How long do you think Collusionpalooza would continue after that?