Thursday, December 24, 2020

Losing Faith In The System


In just two weeks, the Congress — the new Congress, will certify the 2020 election.  Various and sundry Trump supporters are hoping for a miracle — that an overwhelmingly Democratic House will void the election of a Democrat to the Presidency, or that Trump will somehow wrangle the same thing.  The Left is reacting much the way Trump supporters acted when Hillary lost.  Between all the bitching and carping by the losers and the smug satisfaction of the winners, we're all losing sight of a very important development.

The faith that most Americans had that elections were fundamentally a good thing has been fatally wounded.

Half of the American voting public no longer believes that an election can deliver on the will of the people.  They feel that they have lost their voice.  They feel that they have been effectively silenced.  Worse than that, they feel that this silencing is permanent.  They have become a permanent underclass.

On the Left, all is calm, all is bright on this Christmas Eve.  They have forgotten — if they ever knew — the famous remark by John F. Kennedy:

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

The words of Oleg Volk upon reading a galley proof of Tipping Point still echo in my mind:

"Frank, I hope you haven't written a documentary."

Me, too, but I'm losing faith that we're going to come out of this intact.