Thursday, January 19, 2012

Searching For Truth


Every true thing was first believed by one person, then hundreds, then millions, then everyone.  Once upon a time, it was obvious to everyone that the stars were mere holes in the crystal sphere of the night sky, that if you were poor or sick it was because God wasn't pleased with you, that the Sun wheeled around the unmoving Earth, and that the Earth was flat.  Today, anyone who tries to convince you that the Earth is stationary is most likely to be judged a dangerous lunatic.

Today we are asked to believe just as many things whose truth is suspect:

  • People who vacation in Paris are stupid because the French hate Americans.
  • The Moslem world hates us because we're so good and so free.
  • Julian Assange and Bradley Manning are traitors who want to see the Western democracies destroyed.
  • Ron Paul is an isolationist who can't possibly beat Barack Obama.
  • Sometimes you just have to hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.
  • Bullshit doesn't stink and is actually quite tasty and nourishing.

In fact, none of that is true.


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